General service prices

The prices of the general service in the network area of Imatra Elekter AS in August are as follows:

  Price excluding VAT, c/kWh  Price including VAT, c/kWh 
Base rate for general service 12,404 15,133
Daytime rate for general service 14,209 17,335
Nighttime rate for general service 10,627 12,965


The calculation of the general service price is available here.

Business customers whose main fuse exceeds 63 A at low or medium voltage (except apartment associations) and who have not chosen an electricity seller will be sold electricity on the basis of the balancing energy price.

In August the margin of Imatra Elekter AS added to the balancing energy price is 2,803 c/kWh (excl. VAT).

More about balance energy You can read here.