General service prices

The prices of the general service in the network area of Imatra Elekter AS in February are as follows:

  Price excluding VAT, c/kWh  Price including VAT, c/kWh 
Base rate for general service 17,284 21,086
Daytime rate for general service 19,768 24,117
Nighttime rate for general service 14,645 17,867


The calculation of the general service price is available here.

Business customers whose main fuse exceeds 63 A at low or medium voltage (except apartment associations) and who have not chosen an electricity seller will be sold electricity on the basis of the balancing energy price.

In January the margin of Imatra Elekter AS added to the balancing energy price is 1,216 c/kWh (excl. VAT).

More about balance energy You can read here.

From 1 February 2025, the prices per ampere used as the basis for the connection charge will change

Starting from 1 February 2025, the price per ampere used as the basis for the connection charge and the charge for amendment of conditions when connecting to the Imatra Elekter network or increasing the fuse amperage in a specified area will increase from €92.72 to €315.36. The price per ampere used as the basis for the charge for amendment of conditions when transitioning from a single-phase network connection to a three-phase connection in the specified area will increase from €42.70 to €64.48. All prices are inclusive of VAT.

The new prices per ampere will apply to connection offers based on connection applications submitted from 1 February 2025 onwards. Connection offers based on connection applications submitted before this date will be prepared using the current prices per ampere.

Renewable energy charge to decrease by 20% next year

The renewable energy charge, collected from electricity end-users to finance renewable electricity support, will decrease in 2025 from 1.05 cents to 0.84 cents per kilowatt-hour, excluding VAT. Historically, the renewable energy charge has only been lower in 2014, when it was 0.77 cents per kilowatt-hour.

It is expected that a slight decrease in this charge can also be anticipated in the coming years, as the support periods for power plants under the old fixed-price support scheme are gradually coming to an end, which means less money will be needed for support in the near future.

Electricity produced from renewable sources already accounts for 63% of Estonia’s total electricity production this year. At the same time, supported renewable electricity accounts for 46% of all renewable electricity produced, meaning more than half of renewable electricity is generated without support.

Next year, an estimated 84 million euros will be spent on renewable energy and efficient cogeneration support. The volume of supported electricity production is expected to be approximately 1.6 terawatt-hours.

For both wind farms and solar parks, 28 million euros will be spent on support. According to the scheme, support for biomass power plants will amount to 23 million euros, support for power plants that participated in reverse auctions for electricity from renewable energy sources in recent years amounting to three million euros, and support for efficient cogeneration to less than two million euros.

The renewable energy charge is a statutory fee used to finance support for electricity produced from renewable energy sources or in an efficient cogeneration process and supplied to the network. According to the law, the renewable energy charge is calculated by Elering, which prepares and publishes an estimate on its website by 1 December based on production and consumption forecasts, with input from network operators, direct line possessors, producers of electricity from renewable energy sources and in an efficient cogeneration process, and consumers connected to Elering’s electricity network.

Renewable energy charge will decrease by 20 percent from the new year | Elering

Taastuvenergia tasu alaneb uuest aastast 20%

Taastuvelektri toetuste rahastamiseks elektri lõpptarbijatelt kogutav taastuvenergia tasu alaneb 2025. aastal 1,05 sendilt 0,84 sendini kilovatt-tunnist ilma käibemaksuta. Ajalooliselt on taastuvenergia tasu olnud madalam vaid 2014. aastal, kui see oli 0,77 senti kilovatt-tunni kohta.

Eeldatavalt on antud tasu mõningast alanemist oodata ka lähiaastatel, sest vanas fikseeritud hinnaga toetusskeemis olevad elektrijaamade toetusperioodid hakkavad järjest lõppema, mistõttu kulub lähiaastatel toetusteks vähem raha.

Taastuvatest allikatest toodetud elekter moodustab sel aastal juba 63% kogu Eesti elektritoodangust. Toetatav taastuvelekter moodustab kogu toodetud taastuvelektrist samal ajal 46% ehk rohkem kui pool taastuvelektrit toodetakse ilma toetuseta.

Järgmisel aastal kulub prognoosi järgi taastuvenergia ja tõhusa koostootmise toetusteks 84 miljonit eurot. Toetatava elektritoodangu maht on seejuures eeldatavalt ligi 1,6 teravatt-tundi.

Nii tuuleparkide kui päikeseparkide puhul kulub toetusteks 28 miljonit eurot. Biomassil töötavate jaamade toetuseks läheb kava järgi 23 miljonit, viimaste aastate taastuvenergia vähempakkumistel osalenud elektrijaamade toetusteks kolm ja tõhusa koostootmise toetusteks alla kahe miljoni euro.

Taastuvenergia tasu on seadusega kehtestatud tasu, millega rahastatakse taastuvast energiaallikast või tõhusa koostootmise režiimil toodetud ning võrku antud elektrienergia toetusi. Taastuvenergia tasu arvutajaks on seaduse järgi Elering, kes koostab ja avaldab 1. detsembriks oma veebilehel tootmis- ja tarbimisprognoosidel põhineva hinnangu, milleks annavad sisendi võrguettevõtjad, otseliini valdajad, taastuvenergiast ja tõhusa koostootmise režiimil elektrienergia tootjad ning Eleringi elektrivõrguga ühendatud tarbijad.


Taastuvenergia tasu alaneb uuest aastast 20 protsenti | Elering

Network charge to increase by an average of 5.7% from 1 February 2025

The network charge of Imatra Elekter AS will increase from 1 February 2025 by an average of 5.7%. The price increase is driven by increased investment and maintenance needs to ensure a stable electricity connection and security of supply for customers, as well as by the overall rise in the costs of labour and materials due to rapid inflation.

All network charges, including transmission charges, main fuse fixed charges and reactive energy charges, will change.

The main reason for the increase in the network charge is the rising costs of maintaining and repairing the electricity network, along with other operating expenses over recent years. In 2023, Estonia’s inflation rate was 9.2% and it is forecasted to be around 4% in 2024.

‘Our wish is to provide the customers of Imatra Elekter AS with a high-quality network service. Achieving this requires continuous network upgrades and maintenance, both of which have become significantly more costly over time,’ commented Rudolf Penu, Chairman of the Management Board of Imatra.

The change in the network charge from 1 February 2025 will be uniform across all network packages.

The prices of additional network-related services will also change from 1 February 2025. The prices of additional services have remained unchanged since the beginning of 2018. Over the past seven years, the unit prices for work performed by our service partners have increased significantly, necessitating an update to the prices of additional services.


Price list from February 1, 2025

Imatra Elekter to reduce network fees by 7.4%

Imatra Elekter will reduce network fees by an average of 7.4% and the change will enter into force from 1 December 2023.

The reduction of network charges was possible thanks to the declining trend in electricity prices in the last period and, unlike last year, the situation on the electricity market has stabilised somewhat. The share of the cost of purchasing electricity necessary for the provision of the network service will decrease from the current 32% to 15% of all input costs related to the provision of the network service.

The lowering of the network fees also took into account the changes in the operating costs necessary for the maintenance of the network and the elimination of breakdowns, which had remained unchanged in the network fees since 2019. The cost of maintaining and repairing the power grid has increased 2.4 times over this five-year period.

The network fees valid from 1 December 2023 can be found on the website of Imatra Elekter AS.