Imatra Elekter AS services price list

Price list is valid only in Imatra Elekter AS network region from 01.02.2025.

Service Unit Price incl. VAT until 31.01.2025 Price excl. VAT from 01.02.2025 Price incl. VAT from 01.02.2025
Contract amendment fee* €/pc 3,10 4,00 4,88
Various works with metering systems and main circuit breakers €/pc 23,24 69,00 84,18
Switching off consumption site at metering point €/pc 25,36 72,00 87,84
Re-energisation of consumption site at metering point €/pc 23,22 72,00 87,84
Switching off consumption site at power line €/pc 78,24 116,00 141,52
Re-energisation at power line €/pc 75,71 116,00 141,52
Call-out without reason €/pc 17,67 41,00 50,02
Sealing electrical installation at the request of the client €/pc 13,76 49,00 59,78
Remote disconnection of the consumption point at the metering point. €/pc 7,00 8,54
Remote activation of the consumption point at the metering point. €/pc 7,00 8,54

*Customer has right to change  package free of charge once in a 12 months