We can add to our Network only these consumption places which are located in our operating area (Läänemaa, Põhja-Pärnumaa in former area of Läänemaa ja Viimsi vald).  We charge a fee for connecting to the power Network. In the following tabel You can find our prices.

                          Price list from 01.02.2025 (incl. VAT)
  In fixed tariff area until 31.01.2025 In fixed tariff area from 01.02.2025   Outside of fixed tariff area
 Price, €/Amp Price, €/Amp Price, €/Amp 
 New connection 92,72 315,36  calculated on the basis of actual expenses
Increasing the amperage of a main fuse 92,72 315,36  calculated on the basis of actual expenses
Changing to a three-phase connection: 42,70 64,48  calculated on the basis of actual expenses
Project management fee 0,00 0,00 3% of actual expenses

To connect your place of consumption to the power network, you will have to submit a connection application so that we can sign a connection contract with You.


Send application

From 1st of February 2020 new fee –  3% of total cost of connection fee is added to connection services for projects which are outside of fixed tariff area. The minimum fee for project management is 60,00 euros (w/o VAT).




Audit about the conformity with the requirements of an electrical installation

Before accepting and approving electrical work performed by you in accordance with the Equipment Safety Act, a pre-commissioning audit must be carried out. In the case of a temporary low voltage electrical installation not exceeding 35 A, a pre-commissioning audit is not required if the builder of the electrical installation confirms in writing the conformity of the electrical installation and the safety of use on the basis of measurement and testing results, visual inspection and documentation. All work carried out by themselves is the responsibility of the electrical work contractor ordered by the party to be connected, but the responsibility for the electrical installation lies still with the holder of the electrical installation, who also decides when to energise the electrical installation. Therefore, the holder of the electrical installation submits an application for the energisation of the electrical installation to the system operator in whose area of operation the electrical installation is located.

By submitting the application, the holder declares that the electrical installation in their possession is ready for energisation. In doing so, it assumes responsibility for the damage and risks that could be caused by energising. The system operator shall energise the electrical installation based on the request after having determined from the technical surveillance information system established pursuant to §12 of the Equipment Safety Act that an audit has been carried out on the electrical installation, the conclusion of which is that the equipment is technically in order and that it is safe to use it for its intended purpose and in such a way. In the case of a temporary low voltage electrical installation up to 35 A, please attach a declaration of conformity issued by the builder of the electrical installation to the application for energisation.

In the case of electrical installations previously connected to the network, a pre-commissioning audit is required to be carried out only if the technical parameters of the installation are substantially altered (§ 4(3) of the Construction Code). An important alteration can be considered replacing a single-phase network connection with a three-phase network connection or increasing the rating of the main fuse by more than two levels.

In the case of a proper low voltage installation in use the rated current of the protection equipment installed in front of the supply line of which is up to 35 A (§ 11(4) of Regulation No. 86), a written confirmation (declaration) by the builder of the electrical installation on the conformity of the built electrical installation is sufficient.

Send declaration

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    Send application for powering

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